David Malone is Professor of the Practice of Educational Psychology in the Program in Education at Duke University. He has taught courses in educational psychology, school psychology, service-learning/community-engaged pedagogies, educational research methods, and re-imagining education through the lens of justice and equity. In close collaboration with faculty colleagues, teachers in the Durham Public Schools, and local neighborhood community leaders, Professor Malone developed a service-learning program that annually matches approximately five-hundred undergraduates as mentors/tutors to children and youth. This program evolved over time into a University-wide service-learning program that now supports more than 100 community-based academic courses across 35 academic departments – annually engaging more than 1300 undergraduates with local communities. Professor Malone served as the inaugural faculty director the Duke Service Learning Program. His scholarship focuses on student development in both K-12 schools and college. He is particularly interested in creating transformative learning experiences utilizing non-traditional experiential pedagogies such as immersive placed-based internships, project-based learning, and service-learning. Professor Malone is currently working with colleagues across the Duke campus to re-imagine undergraduate education and to re-design the undergraduate curriculum in ways that move away from transactional instrumental models of learning – towards approaches that give greater focus to the development of desired student learning outcomes such as creativity, empathy, humility, perspective-taking, social equity, racial justice, personal meaning, civic responsibility, and the discovery of purpose.
David Malone, Ph.D.
Professor of the Practice of Educational Psychology
Duke University